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Economic growth, energy and climate policy for a low carbon future

This piece of research aims to increase current scientific knowledge within the struggle against Climate Change. It also seeks to foster efficiency in the use of natural resources. To avoid or minimise the adverse effects of Climate Change, it is vital to reduce carbon emissions. Regardless of whether or not an international agreement is reached, humankind needs to explore new avenues and options which will enable us to find strategies for reducing said emissions at both a national and aggregate level, thus fostering the transition towards a low-carbon economy.


Low carbon economies: policies, markets and cooperation

Aim of the project: To help advance scientific knowledge regarding the proper regulation of the "global commons", how this regulation impacts different areas of activity and what implications it has for decision-making by public managers and companies. The project is divided into three interrelated areas: (1) The public economics of agreements on climate change. (2) The impacts of different scenarios on different areas of activity. (3) Implications for investment decisions in the energy industry.

Funding: Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness  (ECO2011-25064) (2011-2014) .

Partners: Instituto de Economía Pública (UPV/EHU) y Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3)


| Gallastegui, MC., A. Ansuategi, M. Escapa (2015). Green energy, efficiency and climate change: an economic perspective. Capítulo del libro Green Energy and Efficiency: An economic perspective, pp. 3-16. Springer.

| Ansuategi, A. (2014). Climate Change and the Energy Sector: Impacts and Adaptation. En A. Markandya, I. Galarraga and E. Saenz de Murieta (Eds.), Handbook of Economics of Adaptation, Routledge, UK.

| Ansuategi, A., Escapa, M., Galarraga, I., González-Eguino, M. (2014). Impacto económico de la eco-innovación en Euskadi: una aproximación cuantitativa. Ekonomiaz: Revista Vasca de Economía. 86(2), pp. 246-273.

| Galarraga, I. L.M. Abadie, Ansuategi, A. (2013). Efficiency, Effectiveness an Implementation Feasibility of Energy Efficiency Rebates: the ‘Renove’ plan in Spain. Energy Economics 40 Supplement 1 S98-S107.

| Markandya, A., M. González-Eguino, Escapa, M. (2013). From Shadow to Green: Linking Environmental Fiscal Reforms and the Informal Economy, Energy Economics 40, pp. 108-118.

| Gallastegui, MC., González-Eguino M, Galarraga I. (2012). Cost effectiveness of a combination of instruments for global warming: a quantitative approach for Spain. SERIES Journal of the Spanish Economic Association 58.

| González-Eguino M., Galarraga I., Ansuategi, A. (2012). The Future of Old Industrial Regions in a Carbon Constrained World. Climate Policy 12.

| Markandya, A., M. González-Eguino, Escapa, M. (2012). Environmental fiscal reform and unemployment in Spain. Capítulo del libro Critical Issues in Environmental Taxation, Vol. XI-Carbon Pricing, Growth and the Environment. Edward Elgar Publishing.

| Ansuategi, A., I. Galarraga (2011). Carbon Pricing as an Effective Instrument of Climate Policy: Searching for an Optimal Policy Instrument, Rivista di Politica Economica, Vol. VII-IX, pp: 147-170.

| Ansuategi, A., I. Arto (2004), La Evolución de la Intensidad Energética de la Industria Vasca entre 1982 y 2001: Un Análisis de Descomposición, Economía Agraria y Recursos Naturales 4 (7), 63-91.

| Ansuategi, A., Escapa, M. (2002). Economic Growth and Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Ecological Economics 40, pp. 23-37.

| Ansuategi, A., Ansuategi, A. (2002). Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales: Nuevas aportaciones. Ekonomiaz, vol. 49.

| Ansuategi, A. (2001). A Critical Assesment of the Environmental Transition Hypothesis, en A. Tavidze (ed), Progress in International Economics, Nova Science Publishers.

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